Snežana Dumnić, Farm company

Family farm Farm Company is located in vicinity of Nikšić, in Kličevo village. Snežana Dumnić and her husband Marko are owners of this successful family business. For them this is more than a farm, it is a place where tradition lives and where every drop of milk tells story of love for work.

There are around 300 heads of cattle, out of which 150 high producing dairy cows. The Dumnić’s produce between 3,000 and 3,500 litres of fresh, good quality milk every day. This quantity is not only the result of modern systems and mechanisation but of inexhaustible energy and dedication of entire family.

At the Dumnić’s farm everything functions as a perfectly balanced machine. Snežana and Marko, with support of their two children and four employees, manage everyday activities – from care for animals to food preparation. They are especially proud of the fact that they produce fodder themselves. The job is demanding and requires full commitment over all 365 days in a year, but the effort and work they invest, give visible results.

Their path towards success would not be so easy without support of Alter Modus, they have cooperated with since 2016. Through various credit lines, Snežana and Marko managed to upgrade the farm, extend the production capacities and modernize the equipment. Today, their farm represents a god example of contemporary, successful story in Montenegrin countryside.