Learning that inspires: Organized free training for young entrepreneurs

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Association of accommodation providers and Alter Modus, within programme Youth in Business, organized free training entitled “Digital Marketing and registration for young entrepreneurs in tourism industry”.

The training was organized in premises of Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and it was dedicated to young entrepreneurs up to 35 dealing in renting accommodation, as well as to those at the beginning of their business journey in tourism industry or those inheriting and being ready to take over family business.

The training was held by Anđela Đokić, consultant, tourist company owner and educator, Branka Džoganović, direcotor of Association of accommodation providers and Andrija Brajković, representative of Oblak rješenja (Eng. Cloud solutions) which facilitates process of electronic taxation and registration of guests for over 400 natural persons and legal entities.

The training participants had a unique opportunity to get information about new trends, tools and strategies in digital marketing, but also to develop their skills, exchange business experiences and broaden the network of contacts.

This initiative had great significance for development of young entrepreneurs in tourism industry and showed commitment of the institutions to support new generations of entrepreneurs.


In November 2022, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in cooperation with Alter Modus, launched the Youth in Business Programme in Montenegro. The Youth in Business Programme provides micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs majority-owned or managed by people under the age of 35 with access to the necessary knowledge, skills, financing and other key resources essential to overcome challenges and reach full potential. Alter Modus was the first and only financial institution in Montenegro which approves loans within the YiB Programme. For development of entrepreneurs among the youth it is of essential importance to give incentive – not only in material sense but through education, mentorship and networking as well. Combining financial and nonfinancial resources young entrepreneurs get opportunity to achieve their business ambitions and contribute to economic development of the community. The financial support for the YiB Programme, in form of funds for technical cooperation, was ensured by Sweden through Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; by Italy through the Central European Initiative and Luxembourg through EBRD fund for impact on small enterprises.